Newsradio 620 WTMJ interview with Wisconsin Secretary of Tourism Anne Sayers: Summer travel in Algoma!

 In Algoma Pierhead Lighthouse, Crescent Beach, Fishing, Travel
April 22, 2022: Newsradio 620 WTMJ recently interviewed Wisconsin Secretary of Tourism Anne Sayers regarding summer travel in Algoma!

Plan a day on the water in Algoma (Kewaunee County)!

Crescent Beach in Algoma WI

Head to one of Wisconsin’s largest and most scenic beaches by soaking in the sun at Crescent Beach and Boardwalk in Algoma. Enjoy the Lake Michigan Shoreline with a half mile walk along Algoma’s accessible boardwalk – made from recycled plastic lumber. The Algoma Pierhead Lighthouse makes the perfect backdrop for photographing your beach-day memories.

If you’re looking for a fishing adventure on the lake, book a trip with one of the largest charter fleets in Wisconsin at Haasch Guide Service, Sport Fishing for Salmon & Trout on Lake Michigan. Captain Lee Haasch has been educating anglers for over 20 years, sharing his knowledge of Lake Michigan salmon and trout fishing.

Spend the night in Algoma at Hotel Stebbins, a charming historic hotel in downtown Algoma within walking distance of Crescent Beach.
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