Hag Stones: Another Sought After Treasure On Algoma’s Crescent Beach

 In Algoma Visitor Center, Crescent Beach, Travel

Algoma’s Crescent Beach is a popular spot for discovering beach glass, unusual drift wood, or that perfect rock to paint.  On any given day, treasure hunters from all over comb the beach, some for hours, looking for that special gift brought in by the mighty waves of Lake Michigan.

High water levels and relentless storms over the past years have scattered rocks on the shore as far as the eye can see. With the very mild winter and lack of any measurable snow during this 2021 season, the ice shelves are noticeably absent, which allows the rocks to continue to wash ashore and be easily collected.

From the windows of the Algoma Chamber building our Visitor Services Coordinator Sharon noticed a woman walking the beach with a small garden tool searching for stones and went out to talk to her to learn what she was searching for.

Annie on Crescent Beach

Annie, who comes from Green Bay and walks the beach regularly, uses a hand tool to help her find special kinds of rocks known as hag stones and omars (Omarolluks).

Basically a hag stone is any type of stone that has a natural hole through it likely caused by erosion. While the description doesn’t sound very impressive, hag stones, also known as fairy stones, are said to protect the finder from certain harm. Omarolluks are similar to hag stones, except the eroded area is a pit rather than a hole that goes all the way through the stone.

We love to hear stories from our visitors and what brings them to our wonderful beach and are thankful that Annie shared her quest with us.

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