Event Category: Art & Culture Events, Community Events, Family-Friendly Events, and Shopping & Sale Events
- November Exhibition Opening Reception: Revealing Light: Photograms of Glassware by Lori Birr. Lori first took a black-and-white photography course as an elective while working towards a Masters Degree in Sydney, Australia. She became hooked by the depth and contrast in tones that are less apparent in color photography.
Using a camera felt too technical and mechanical, so she began experimenting with camera-free techniques in the darkroom. Photograms are created by placing objects directly onto photographic paper and exposing them to light. The process has been utilized for decades, most notably by photographers William Talbot, Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, and Man Ray (Rayographs), to name a few.
Unlike printing from negatives, each photogram is unique. Lori finds the photograms of glassware particularly interesting because of the way the light bounces around and through the glass, capturing textures and patterns that are not apparent by looking at the glassware in a normal setting. Light refreshment and great conversation.
- November Exhibition Opening Reception: Revealing Light: Photograms of Glassware by Lori Birr. Lori first took a black-and-white photography course as an elective while working towards a Masters Degree in Sydney, Australia. She became hooked by the depth and contrast in tones that are less apparent in color photography.
Ladybug Glass Studio & Gallery
219 Steele St.
Algoma, WI