Welcome to the Algoma Area Chamber of Commerce Webcam!

No matter if you are near or far, you are invited to enjoy beautiful views of Lake Michigan and Crescent Beach in Algoma, WI via the webcam now located at the Algoma Visitor Center, 1226 Lake St. in Algoma, WI.

Algoma, WI sunrise from the webcam

Sunrise on 10/23/23 as captured on the ‘Zen’ view of the Algoma Area Chamber of Commerce webcam

The Algoma Chamber of Commerce webcam was made possible thanks to the support of the following businesses and organizations:

For the best viewing experience, follow these instructions on how to use the Algoma Chamber of Commerce Webcam

Once you click on the webcam link, you can choose what view you would like to see.  If there are viewers ahead of you, the camera will respond once it is your turn.

1. To choose a view, click on the Control Camera button on the lower left of the screen.  Wait a few seconds and a drop-down menu will appear under the stream in the middle.

Select Control Camera

2.  Click on the drop-down menu to choose the view.

You can choose from Beach 1, Beach 2, Chamber Landscape, Cruise Ships, Legion Park, Lighthouse 1, Marina, Shoreline, and Zen. It will take a few seconds for the camera to adjust to the chosen view.  The viewer controlling the camera has 30 seconds of that view.

See sample still images representing each view below.

Algoma webcam - select view

Beach 1

Algoma webcam beach 1

Beach 2

Algoma webcam beach 2

Chamber Landscape

Algoma webcam Chamber landscape

Cruise Ships

Algoma webcam cruise ships

Legion Park

Algoma webcam Legion Park

Algoma Pierhead Lighthouse

Algoma webcam lighthouse

Algoma Marina

Algoma webcam Marina


Algoma webcam shoreline


Algoma webcam Zen

The Chamber receives a notification if there is an issue with the camera on the server end. We will try and inform everyone if the camera is down for any reason.  Otherwise, if you are having issues, it may be simply many viewers are trying to access the camera at the same time or even your Internet connection.  In any case, thank you for your patience, and try again at a different time.

Contact Us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.

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