2018 Shanty Days Photo Contest Winners Announced!

 In Shanty Days

The Shanty Days Committee is thrilled to announce the winners of the 2018 Shanty Days Photo Contest!

The entries are proudly displayed in the window of Steele Street Hops, located at 322 Steele Street in Algoma.  Thank you so much for lending your window space to display these fantastic works of photography.

Winners can pick up the prize money at the Algoma Visitor Center, 1226 Lake Street during normal business hours.  Photos will be available for pick-up at a date after Shanty Days, to be determined.

2018 Shanty Days Photo Contest Winners

The winners in each category are:

1st. Bob Kuhn
2nd. Grace Matzke
3rd. Sylvia Toebe

Lake house/Lake
1st. Sue Moreaux
2nd. Bob Kuhn
3rd. Trish Schmidt

Crescent Beach/Boardwalk
1st. Bob Kuhn
2nd. Rosemary Paladini
3rd. Grace Matzke

1st. Tess VandeWalle
2nd. Linda Vandenack
3rd. Trish Schmidt

Black & White
1st. Sue Moreaux

1st. Jen Langdon
2nd. Rosemary Paladini
3rd. Grace Ann Matzke

Best of Show
Sue Moreaux


2018 Shanty Days Photo Contest Winners

We would also like to thank the panel of judges for taking on this task.  With so many outstanding entries, your job could not have been easy!

2018 Shanty Days Photo Contest Panel of Judges:

  • Judy Piesler
  • Patti Raine
  • Kelly Lindsley
  • Tina Graves

Thank you to Jan Dart who helped Tina Graves and Judy Piesler set up the pictures at Steele Street Hops.

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